On June 8th and 9th, the Colshaw Estate community, including Hope Central, joined forces for the ‘Big Valley Clean Up,’ led by Terry Burgess, Chair of CETRA. Volunteers cleared a mile of the stream at Bankside Close, removing fly-tipped items and trimming overgrown shrubbery. United Utilities’ River Ranger, Ashleigh Royds, supported the effort by providing materials and tools for two footbridges. As Hope Central, we were very happy to join this initiative, contributing to the revitalization of the local area and fostering community spirit.

To read more about this: https://www.wilmslow.co.uk/news/article/24071/volunteers-clean-up-colshaw-valley?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR0aNGZUIRI0HFtNLFp2XbzDpMVbDbzaukGBws9bniSjbvcwOIEnyND6feQ_aem_ZmFrZWR1bW15MTZieXRlcw